Loyalty is faithfulness or a devotion to a person or cause.
词语名称: 忠诚
释义: 指对国家、对人民、对事业、对上级、对朋友等真心诚意、尽心尽意,没有二心:忠诚老实、忠诚勇敢、忠诚可靠、对神,属灵领袖和配偶无限忠诚。忠诚代表诚信、守信和服从。
Word: Loyal
Definition: Being sincere and dedicated wholeheartedly towards one's nation, people, career, employer, friends etc and in being honest, courageous, and reliable towards God, spiritual leaders and spouse unconditionally. Loyalty means reliable, integrity and obedient.
The foundation of loyalty is not due to the environment, but a principle. When one is only loyal in a favourable situation but retreat when something happened or stress started to mount up, then this person is no longer someone loyal.
The concept of loyalty is an important part of ethics. Plato originally said that only a man who is just can be loyal, and that loyalty is a condition of genuine philosophy. The philosopher Josiah Royce said it was the supreme moral good, and that one's devotion to an object mattered more than the merits of the object itself. Loyalty is a quality you look for in a friend.
耶稣说,“一个人不能事奉两个主;不是恶这个,爱那个,就是重这 个,轻那个。”(马太福音6:24)尝试事奉两个主只会导致一个人“心怀二意”(雅各书4:8),破坏了忠诚的价值。(雅各5:2)圣经也提到忠诚的人, 就是那些忠诚的跟随圣经的话语的人.
Jesus said, "No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other." (Matthew 6:24 NIV) Attempting to serve two masters leads to "double-mindedness" (James 4:8), undermining loyalty to a cause. (James 5:2) The bible also speaks of loyal ones, which would be those who follow the bible with absolute loyalty.

Loyalty is needed in different fields of the society. A loyal employee is always the most favourable one to the employer because they know loyalty is far more important than ability. When there's loyalty, an employee will work actively and be willing to go for an extra mile for the company. In the commerce and education community today, many people consider a high vocational or academicals skill as the most important capital. Many people are too focused on developing technical and linguistic skills and neglect the cultivation of loyalty. Ability and talents are not sufficient to keep a foothold in the commerce community.
神的品格就显明了道德价值。祂不只是道德价值的“编造”者而已。一个正义和正直的道德品格反射了神的品格。价值观 影响一个的行为举止。你所相信的会影响你所做的。你或许可以隐藏你真正的价值观,品格和动机一段时间;不过当你在这么做的时候,你只是带出了你本身的另外 一个品格-虚伪!你不能一辈子都隐瞒:因为终有一天你所有的品格和行为都会被众人揭穿。
God's nature defines moral values. He did not merely "invent" them. A righteous or upright moral character is a reflection of God's character. Values influence one's conduct and behaviour. What you believe will influence what you do. You may be able to hide your true values, character and motives for a while; but when you do so, you merely introduce another character trait into your life -hypocrisy! And you cannot hide it forever: In the end, the day will come in which your true character will be exposed and known to all.
神要寻找忠诚的人 God is Looking for Someone Loyal
在这次康希牧师影响力特会当中特别在第四堂提到忠诚的路得带给教会极大的祝福。是连连亲吻像俄珥巴或是紧紧跟随像路得。每个关系都需要被试验被考验。男女朋 友的关系有多深要经过试验。夫妻要经过试验。朋友需要经过试验。危机会临到,俗语说得好,本是同林鸟,大难来时各自飞。
In the fourth session of Ps. Kong's Influential Conference, he mentioned about Ruth who was loyal and it blessed the church tremendously. A kisser like Orpah or a cleaver like Ruth. Every relationship has to be tested. Relationships between a couple, husband and wife, as well as friends have to go through test. Crisis may come anytime. A Chinese saying goes like, two birds that originated from the same forest may be parted when a crisis hit.

Judas' kiss betrayed Jesus but Peter followed Jesus loyally until his last breath on Earth. Some people may face the crisis of their faith or in economics or even interpersonally, and due to these crises, the reality of whether one is loyal or not will be revealed. Disloyal is utterly destructive.
Ruth's loyalty was tested and due to her loyalty, she found the destiny of her life.
Yes, I agree, pastor. Loyalty is more precious than talents or abilities in the society nowadays because it's really rare. I must start cultivating this character of loyalty from now on! :)