Fifth: “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land which The Lord your God gives you.”
Keep a balanced life. Do not forsake your family due your career.
The bible scholar did a study and found out the first four commandments of the Ten Commandments are about the relationship between God and man while the others are about the relationship between mankind.
There are many broken families out there and this seems to be worse in the industrialized counties, ie the USA. According the census of USA, 33% of babies are born of unmarried mothers, the value of family has been neglected. Many families are facing the crisis of disintegration and as a result causing more serious society problems. The relationship between family members is being challenged, when love turns sour, it leaves.
A family has various characteristic and function:
1.家庭是幸福与的避风港Family is happiness and a haven
2.是培育孩子们成长的一个重要学校 It is a school to educate children
3.培育好的品德的所在 A place to instill good character
The society is built up of 7 pillars, and family is one of the most important pillars. The family members include husband and wife, parents and children. The crisis we are facing today is the instability of the pillar of family, it is getting destroyed. Unimaginable rate of divorce, abortion and child abuse, this society has fallen ill. People are being used for different reasons due to selfishness and greed. If the family system were to be broken down, the whole society will be affected.
According to a statistic done in the prison of Chicago, USA, 95% of the prisoners come from a broken family = the relationship between husband and wife directly affects the next generation, and indirectly affecting the whole society. This proves that a healthy family is very important. A healthy family doesn’t mean if the family members are physically healthy or the condition of health? A healthy family means the peace and harmony in a family. The main relationships in a family are the one between husband and wife, and between parents and children.
1.当孝敬父母 Honor Your Parents
以弗所书6:1-4说:你们作儿女的,要在主里听从父母,这是理所当然的。要孝敬父母,使你得福,在世长寿。这是第一条带应许的诫命。你们作父亲的,不要惹儿女的气,只要照着主的教训和警戒养育他们 。
Ephesians 6:1-4 says, Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. "Honor your father and mother"—which is the first commandment with a promise— "that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth."Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.

A. 尊敬他们 Respect them
In Exodus 20:12, it says, “honor your father and mother…” If we look up for the word “honor” in the dictionary, it means, to show a courteous regard for. It means God wants us to honour them and show a courteous regard to our parents. Honoring your parents means to take heed of them.
In a countryside, lived a poor farmer with his only son. He pampered the son a lot that he worked hard in order to send him to study in Japan. Once he finished his studies in Japan, he found a job in Korea and eventually became a high-ranked officer. Once during lunch time, the father took some food together with him intending to visit his son in the building he works in. Before stepping into the building, he got stopped by the security guard. The guard asked, “who are you?”, “I’m so and so’s father, help me to contact him.” After contacting, the son looked down from the window and saw his father standing at the entrance of the building, the colleague next to him asked, “who is that? Who wants to see you?” He then spoke to the security guard, “That person is the maid at my home, but he has been working for us for a long time and likes to pretend as a my father, you can tell him to go!” The father then got driven away by the guard and went home weeping to himself. After this incident, the father never looked for his son even If he needed help because the son would not help him at all. The father eventually died of hunger but the son continued to live a good comfortable life. In the end, the son’s son also chased him away. What you reap is what you sow.
The 16th president of the USA, Lincoln’s father is a cobbler. One day, he had to speak in front of the senators in the congress, one of them hated Lincoln a lot. When Lincoln was just preparing to speak, that particular senator stood up and said, “It was such a surprise that you could become a president, but do not forget that your father is a cobbler. Sometimes your father would look for us to make shoes and even the pair of shoes under my feet now is made by him.” Once he finished, some people let out of sniggers. Lincoln stood on the stage with his eyes closed and not saying anything. He suddenly opened his eyes that were filled with tears and opened his mouth, he looked at the senators and said, “Thank you all for reminding me of my father. My father is a cobbler and he has excellent skills, I can never compare with him, but I’m still trying hard now to catch up with his skills. If any of you at this place is wearing the shoes made by my father and you feel uncomfortable in t. you could tell me and I could alter it for you because I’ve learnt some skills from my father. But of course, my skill is nothing compared to my father’s.” The congress suddenly turned silent. They thought Lincoln would be embarrassed by his father but in contrast, he respected his father a lot. This, my friends, means honoring your parents.
B. 真正爱父母的心 Truly loving your parents
A heart that truly loves your parents is not about the provision of the basic needs only, but it is the a true and grateful heart of a child. The parents spent a lot of effort and time in order to help a child to grow and to be successful. Love, care and gratitude are from the heart. " A parent's nurturing effort is so great that it is almost impossible to repay. When they are distressed, why don't we try to console them, why don't we spend some time accompany them and have some chats with them?
2.接触下一代 Reaching to the Next Generation
2.接触下一代 Reaching to the Next Generation

There was a village in Iowa USA where a Sunday school teacher saw 4 children were playing with the mud along a roadside. She told them, “Hey, don’t play the mud, come to the church with him and trust in Jesus, worship Him.” The children agreed and followed the teacher to the church. The teacher taught them in Sunday school with all her heart until they left. As time passed by, the Sunday school teacher had grown older and it was time to retire. On the day of her retirement, she received 4 letters. One was from a missionary in China, one was from the CEO of the Federal Bank of USA, one was from the head of secretary of president and another one was from someone named “Hoover”, who was the 31st president of the USA. In the letter, it said, “Miss, when we were playing with the mud, you told us to believe in Jesus and so we lived according to God’s words and worship Him, that is how we get to where we are today and live a victorious life.” It those children that now became the missionary in China, the CEO of the Federal Bank, the head of secretary of the president and the Hoover President.
B. 软弱时,鼓励他们 In weakness, encourage them
thanks pastor for the message!