According to the encyclopedia, value is the principle a person holds unto while making judgment and decision. It is also a criterion buried in one's heart that becomes the basis in decision making.
价 值观会指引一个人去从事某些行为,例如:[诚信]的价值观,会让人承担面对困境及对别人说明事情的真相,提升别人对其的信任度。[纪律]的价值观,会让人 依规定行事,产生执行力。[关怀]的价值观,会让人关心别人,了解别人的困境,让别人有同理心。不同的价值观会产生不同的行为模式,进而产生不同的社会文 化。[自我]的价值观,会使人[自我中心]。
Value is the guideline of the actions from a person. Eg: the value of "Integrity" would encourage a person to speak the truth in a dilemma, elevates his or her trustworthiness. The value of "Discipline" would result in a person who follows the rules, as well as being productive. Having the value of "Caring" would bring forth a person that cares for the others as well as being understanding to the people around them. Different value produces different attitude, thus resulting in a different culture in the society. The value of "Selfish" would produce a "self-centered" person.
Everyone possesses different values, and values are being shaped by one's environment and culture.

The Ten Commandments in the Bible is the guidelines of our life, they are God's nature and character. The Ten Commandments are not our burden, but they can set us free. The Ten Commandments are not the laws that constrain us, but have effect to set us free.
Jesus did not come to abolish the laws, but to fulfill them.
The values of Ten Commandments are ones that set us apart, ones that has the power to turn the world upside down.
Fate and choices are human being's freewill.
Adam was placed in the garden of Eden after being created, he had no other choices, it was set by God, and it was fated. Adam did not create himself nor did he create the garden of Eden to stay in, but God created the garden of Eden first then He created Adam, this is his fate.
In Genesis 1:26-27, Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground."So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.
因此亚当与夏娃不管他们愿或不愿而被造出来了。并且他们命运也注定了要在伊甸园里生活,他们虽是被造之物,但神还是赐给了可以 选择的自由。伊甸园中间种有 生命树与善恶果树。神告戒他们不可吃能知善恶的那树上的果子;如果吃的话你必要死的。主允许亚当及夏娃可以选生命树的果子吃,但不许吃善恶之树的果子,并 告戒了如果吃的话必要死。神对亚当作的警告;如果他选择不当时,就会带来可怕的结局。
Thus, whether they are willing or not, Adam and Eve were created. They are also fated to live in the garden of Eden. Even though they were mere creations, God still granted them the freewill to make decision. There was a tree of life and a tree of as well as the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. God warned them not to eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and if they did, they would die. God gave Adam a strict caution; if he were to make the wrong choice, the result would be devastating.

创世纪2章15-17节上说:耶和华神将那人安置在伊甸园,使他修理看守。耶和华 神吩咐他说:“园中各样树上的果子,你可以随意吃;只是分别善恶树上的果子,你不可吃,因为你吃的日子必定死!”
In Genesis 2:15-17, The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. And the LORD God commanded the man, "You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die."
Adam and Eve have the free right to eat the fruit from the tree of life, but God warned them if they were to eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, they will surely die. But the choice lies within Adam and Eve's motive, it is the freewill to choose that God had granted them.
亚当与夏娃受了魔鬼的诱惑而做错了选择。蛇来诱惑了夏娃〈真的不准你们选园里的果 子吗?〉〈不是啊!所有的果子都可以 吃。唯有园中央的那样能知善恶的那棵树上的果子不准吃,连摸都不可以如吃的话可能死掉〉魔鬼接下来怎么说了呢?〈不是的绝不会死的,如你吃那果子的话,眼 就亮起来会跟神一样的,神是怕你们成为那样所以才不准你们吃的〉魔鬼就这样诱惑了他们。当贪心进入夏娃里面之后,夏娃就自己来作了选择,将那善恶果摘下吃 了。并也给亚当一起吃了。这时亚当是可以拒绝的,可是他欲自己做了选择,将那善恶果吃下了。因此,其结果他们就堕落了。同时也背叛了神,由此就被从伊甸园 赶了出来
The value of Ten Commandments - Loyalty
Adam and Eve made the wrong decision after being tempted by the devil. The serpent came and tempt Eve saying "Is is true that you can't choose the fruit to eat?" "No! All fruits can be eaten. Only the fruits on the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the middle of the garden cannot be eaten, they can't even be touched and I might die eating it." What did the devil say after this? "You will definitely not die. If you eat the fruit, your eyes will be opened and you will be like God. God is worried that you will become like Him, thus disallowing you to eat it." The devil tempted them. When greed entered Eve's heart, Eve made the decision on her own, she plucked the fruit and ate it, and she also gave it to Adam. Now, Adam had the right to reject, but he too, made the decision himself, to eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Hence, they were fallen, at the same time betrayed God and then were sent forth from the garden of Eden.
First:" You shall have no other gods before Me." (Loyalty)

We shall be faithful toward God, spiritual leaders and spouse. God cares about our relationship with Him than any other thing else. We shouldn't give up on what is important while taking note of what benefits us.
wow pastor! thanks for sharing this!
ReplyDeleteawesome sermon pastor.... looking forward for more anointing and dynamic sermons in the weeks to come!!!! hugsss
ReplyDeletehi pastor this sermon really such a reminder to me.is my decision to deside im willing loyal to you or not.thank you pastor